DESMOS project has successfully developed a cutting-edge platform that intelligently connects smart infrastructures, mobile, and wearable devices to ensure a secure environment, particularly for tourists. Through innovative technology, the platform empowers local authorities and volunteers to deliver timely assistance in emergency situations while prioritizing user privacy.
Project details:
- Funding Program: Greek National Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation – RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE
- Project ID:
- Start Date: July 25, 2018 – End Date: January 24, 2021
- Funding : € 678.239
Key Achievements:
- Emergency Notifications: The platform enables fast, accurate, and timely alerts during emergencies (such as medical incidents or accidents), ensuring that all necessary contextual information is shared with authorities. This has improved coordination efforts and reduced response times, benefiting both citizens and tourists.
- Anonymous Incident Reporting: A key feature of the DESMOS platform is its crowdsourced reporting system, which allows users to anonymously report incidents like thefts, especially those impacting tourists. This system has proven effective in enhancing safety by collecting actionable information while preserving user privacy.
- Adaptability of Services: The platform has demonstrated its ability to adapt infrastructure, devices, and services in response to emergencies, creating a dynamic safety network. It successfully interconnected local resources (volunteers, authorities) to optimize emergency responses.
- Integrated System for Critical Situation Management: DESMOS provides a seamless system that integrates diverse sensor data and field information into a comprehensive management platform, offering stakeholders a sustainable solution to manage critical situations, thereby improving tourist safety.
Key Outcomes:
- The platform ensures modularity, scalability, and secure architecture, preserving user privacy while delivering solutions in diverse fields such as disaster management and accident response.
- The project fostered collaboration between multiple stakeholders (police, tour operators, local governments), improving decision-making capabilities through the integration of third-party systems.
- By promoting reusability and the systematic interpretation of data, DESMOS has provided cost-effective solutions that can be scaled and applied across different regions and tourist environments.
The DESMOS platform provides way for critical incidents to be handled in tourist-heavy areas, delivering a secure, adaptable, and privacy-focused system that promotes safety and enhances the visitor experience. The project’s success in integrating advanced ICT, user-friendly interfaces, and real-time reporting makes it a model for future smart infrastructure projects worldwide.